Photoshop CS6 Extended tutorial showing how to make an old, weathered, pirate, treasure map. Pirate Treasure map TEMPLATE: <a href="">http://goo ...
Upon purchasing the map from Sanza, the treasure location will appear in the form of a drawing. It shows a tall wall on one side and a cluster of small hills on the other side. In the middle is ...
Treasure maps are optional objectives in Avowed that come with terrific rewards in exchange for solving head-scratching puzzles. Each treasure map is less a “map” and more a hastily and ...
The Warden at the gate won’t let you in without him. This treasure map drawing is rather misleading, which makes sense in the context of the reason why the treasure was hidden, but still makes ...
One of the first Avowed treasure maps you’re likely to come across is the Intimidating Feline Codpiece treasure map. This beautifully vague drawing had me scratching my head as I wandered the ...