Dr Lyne, a former University of Tasmania researcher, has previously theorised that MH370's disappearance was not an accident ...
Airplanes are high-tech machines with advanced technology. The yellow hooks on airplane wings might not seem like much, but ...
"At 5,750 meters deep, it stood out as an extreme anomaly pointing to the potential MH370 crash site. Yet, inconsistencies in ...
“De-icing and yes it’s normal, it’s to melt any ice on the plane because the ice can cause aerodynamic changes that can have ...
Aviation boatswain's mates (handling), commonly known as yellow shirts, that work on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz are directly responsible for the handling and maneuvering of ...
you'll be grateful for these little yellow hooks. The number and placement of hooks on each wing vary from plane to plane, but they all do the same thing: help passengers to safety. They're an ...
GEBCO bathymetric data - essentially digital mapping of the ocean floor - observed by Vincent Lyne pinpoints the yellow spec at ... intentionally plunged the aircraft into the 20,000-foot-deep ...