Aaron Hager is standing in a resistant waterhemp hot zone. The soybean rows surrounding him are a blanket of five-way herbicide resistance: atrazine, ALS inhibitors, PPO inhibitors, HPPD ...
Waterhemp control is critical because the weed can cause significant yield loss and, when it is resistant to herbicides, also results in increased control costs, as much as doubling them.
Researchers have discovered that waterhemp, and possibly other weeds don’t respond to rotating herbicides each year as they originally thought. After three years of research and six generations ...
More information: Alexis L. Meadows et al, Using a seed impact mill to limit waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) seed inputs in Iowa soybean, Weed Science (2024). DOI: 10.1017/wsc.2024.61 Provided ...
More specifically, planting soybean over a cereal rye cover crop demonstrates an effective practice to both produce soybean and to suppress two problematic Amaranthus weed species: waterhemp and ...
Waterhemp can drastically reduce corn and soy yields, as seen on the right in a corn field in Essex County. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases ...
Besides using an Environmental Protection Agency Section 18 emergency exemption for control of waterhemp with Ultra Blazer, farmers could use Spin-Aid under an EPA 24 (c) local needs label for ...
"Although the impact mill did not severely damage all of the waterhemp seeds, moderate damage to seeds was effective in reducing seed germination and viability in controlled conditions," notes Yadav. ...
"Although the impact mill did not severely damage all of the waterhemp seeds, moderate damage to seeds was effective in reducing seed germination and viability in controlled conditions," notes Yadav.
"These results indicate that seed impact mills can be a useful tool in soybean production to help manage multiple herbicide–resistant waterhemp populations." The HWSC technology used for the ...