Of all the Space Marine chapters, the Space Wolves have had the hardest time adapting to the new Primaris marines: the ...
Tyranids are a diverse and fun army to play, offering a mix of ranged and melee models for different strategies. Warhammer 40k is the biggest tabletop wargame in the world and is only growing bigger.
D Realms’ aging FPS protagonist Duke Nukem has come out of retirement in a brand-new mod for Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2.
With amazing mobility and unrivalled bloodlust, the Blood Angels are a fantastically dynamic army to play with in Warhammer 40K ... largest model ranges has its advantages, and the Tyranids ...
Plus, the Chaos Space Marines get reinforcements for the Thousand Sons, World Eaters, and Death Guard At this year’s ...
Kill Team is finally getting a Tyranid Kill Team! And it's ravenous. Say hello to the upcoming Kill Team Typhon Box!
Space Marine 2 features several models that tabletop enthusiasts will likely recognize. These are some of the best. From the ...