A war of tomorrow — rather than yesteryear — is coming into focus in the straits between the mainland and Taiwan.
For those of you with some Cold War nostalgia, here’s a list of all the countries that were once managed under communist ...
Shen Yun, a world-renowned performing arts company dedicated to reviving China’s pre-communist heritage. A dance performance ...
“By their support of the war the Trade Unions, the Labour Party and the Communist Party, with their satellite organisations, have betrayed the historic interests of the working class and the ...
But there's a darker history to these popular tunnels. The Vietnamese began digging the tunnels in the late 1940s during Vietnam's war of independence from France. At that time, the area of Cu Chi ...
The film discusses socialism and its parallels with communism, tracing their origins to Marx and Engels. It defines socialism as a political and economic theory advocating for collective ownership and ...
Although the USA and the Soviet Union had worked together to defeat a common enemy in World War Two, they had very different ideologies. close ideologyA set of ideas or thoughts that someone ...
Three months later the Berlin Wall - which separated Berlin into a democratic west and Communist east - fell ... to extend a welcome to those fleeing war, and he has been the most extreme of ...
In this episode, they begin by looking at the origins of the Cold War, focusing on the alliances that formed after the Second World War and their conflicting ideologies. There were three important ...
the Soviet Union came down on the side of anti-communist Argentina, and the Argentine Air Force received information from Soviet space forces in a “classic” Cold War scenario, only the sides ...
The event would cause a chain reaction of anti-Communist sentiments throughout the West. Canada had little chance to choose sides in the Cold War. The country was seated beside the United States ...