Kids of all ages (and I include adults here) are fascinated by dinosaurs that break records for the biggest, the longest, the ...
Ancient mammals that lived in the time of dinosaurs were mostly the same dark-brown colour, according to a new study ...
As you walk into OMSI’s new exhibit, you might find yourself humming the notes to the Jurassic Park theme song. It’s hard not ...
The new Argentine dino might give us clues to what the world was like before the asteroid wiped out their kind.
The new Houston Zoo exhibit "Jurassic Giants" will feature 60 new dinosaurs. (Courtesy Houston Zoo via Facebook) The Houston ...
LEGO is ready to take a bite out of your dinosaur collection as they debut brand new Jurassic World Rebirth set ...
The Tulsa Zoo is showing off its new exhibit, which takes guests through an immersive area full of different dinosaurs and ...
The St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site is starting a new dig in an area where dinosaur bones were previously found, and ...
A sneak peek inside of the long-awaited $75 million Edelman Fossil Park & Museum of Rowan University on Wednesday was well ...
Scientists have created a new map of "mega ripples" on the seafloor caused by the Chicxulub asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs, revealing further the events that led to the devastating mass ...