But fishermen still risk it for the best crabs and fish.” And that’s the thing about the Sundarbans—it’s a place where nature always has the upper hand. One moment, you’re just a guy ...
The Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world, and its forest-dependent communities are now at risk due to the impact of climate change and unregulated industrial expansion, speakers ...
Speakers at an International Day of Action for Rivers event in Mongla today warned that relentless encroachment and pollution ...
Kolkata: A host of events and workshops were held in the Sundarbans ahead of the puja for the well-being and empowerment of villagers. City-based Nature Mates-Nature Club conducted its third free ...
During the third bird festival in the Indian Sundarbans, over 32,000 birds of 154 species were sighted, representing a significant increase from last year. Effective management of the mudflats ...
“During that period, the Sundarbans remained undisturbed and silent, allowing wildlife to roam freely. It is essential to let nature and its creatures thrive in their natural habitat,” he said. He ...