The paccheri, also known as schiaffoni, are the ideal pasta shape for gathering rich and succulent sauces! If you're looking for a mouth-watering first course, then this is the recipe for you: ...
Spoon the cooked kale into the frying pan and stir it round to coat it in the spicy anchovy. Tip the kale back into the pasta and stir through. Season with pepper, and a little salt. Try and keep ...
Add the anchovies and cook, mashing, until dissolved, about 30 seconds. Add the white wine and simmer over moderately high heat for 2 minutes. Add the tomatoes and their juices and simmer until ...
I know no self-respecting Italian would let tomato seeds sully a sauce, but I do so very happily, and it’s the gloop inside the halved cherry tomatoes that adds cohesion to the spicy ...