Individuals believe it is their duty to protect their relations against military attacks in their villages ... Ghana, may make the country more susceptible to recruitment, say some analysts.
The effectiveness of anti-corruption initiatives in Ghana depends as much on action from ordinary people as from authorities.
A devastating windstorm has wreaked havoc across more than 32 villages in the Wuxor, Have, and Sremanu Electoral Area in the ...
A devastating windstorm has wreaked havoc in more than 32 villages in Wuxor, Have, and Sremanu Electoral Area in the Akatsi ...
It is widely accepted among land purchasers in Ghana that, there is a need to go an extra mile in due diligence before paying money to any person or entity who purports to own a land in Ghana ...
But some time at the beginning of the first ... ever closer trading ties with North Africa. "The city of Ghana consists of two towns situated on a plain. One of these towns, which is inhabited ...
Her promise was made after a second meeting today with Premier Nkrumah and a tour of a number of important Ghana rural and urban ... is cheered in every village and city where she visits, She ...
Mohammed Anwar Sadat Adam – Country Director, Oxfam in Ghana. Land ownership and control by women has ... adding: “For example, some of the Cooperatives are now able to save at least GH¢2000.00 per ...
Ghana now has a range of laws and institutions to combat graft, fraud and other injustices. Some focus on exposure and punishment, both through the regular courts and through institutions such as ...