Dear A Moment of Science, I know that red tides have something to do with the ocean turning red near beaches, but I'm not sure what this means or why it's important. So what is a red tide?
"That's the high kill-zone level," said Calusa Waterkeeper Emeritus John Cassani. Forecasts provided Feb. 12 by the USF-FWC Collaboration for Prediction of Red Tides for Pinellas County to ...
Red tide is in bloom near the Florida Gulf coast, and over the past week it has slowly crept closer to south Sarasota County.
The Florida Department of Health in Lee County still has advisories posted for several area beaches as red tide counts continue to hover well above the toxic range. DOH says coastal residents ...
It's that time of year when finding a spot at your favorite beach is a lot harder to find. It's spring break season! Is there any red tide reported?
Dead fish covered many beaches in Sarasota and Manatee County beaches over the long Valentine's Day weekend, and the impacts of red tide rolled into Presidents Day on Monday. Morning visitors ...
Red tide is still rearing its ugly head along the Southwest Florida coast as counts are still above 1 million cells per liter, a mark some call the "death zone." Cell counts of 20 million cells ...
Low to medium red tide levels are present in some areas on the west coast of Florida. Red tide can cause respiratory irritation in humans, especially those with pre-existing conditions.
However, regardless of if you're a native Floridian or a seasoned visitor to the state's coasts, it only takes a visit from one unwanted visitor to ruin any beach day — red tide. Karenia brevis ...