Those brilliantly colored trees have a price, and though they look pretty, it can be a messy business. One of the worst culprits of fall yard mess? The red oak. Also called the northern red oak ...
One thing you’ll want to leave off your landscaping to-do list, at least for a while, is pruning your oak trees. February ...
will germinate soon after they're planted in the fall, but as previously noted, pin oak, red oak, and bur oak trees need a ...
In the fall, leaves change from medium green to a red to reddish brown color. One key characteristic of pin oak are the branches, which angle downward especially on the lower part of the tree. The pin ...
Hardy, evergreen and beautiful, oak trees ... then the tree is signaling that it is sick. Live oaks usually remain evergreen, so the leaves don’t turn brown until after they fall on the ground.