Pokemon GO players point out how a certain hard-to-catch Gen 3 Pokemon could have fitted well in the game's latest limited ...
Nickit and Thievul, its evolution, hail from Gen 8 and can now be caught in Pokémon Go.
The Pokemon GO Deep Depths event, set from March 19 to March 24, 2025, introduces Nickit and Thievul, spotlighting Water- and ...
Notably, any eggs put into Incubators during the event will get halved hatch distance and the remote raid limit has increased to 20 until Feb. 28. (During Go Tour: Unova, the remote raid limit ...
There are two Collection Challenges available in Pokémon Go during the Deep Depths event, and one of them is called ...
The latest event for Pokémon GO is Deep Depths, which features both new and old Pokémon showing up with higher shiny chances ...
Totodile in Pokemon GO is a weak-looking creature but it has the potential to outperform many strong contenders as an unevolved Feraligatr in the GO Battle League.
Pokémon Go’s first event of the ... s shiny form and adds it to a few more egg pools for a limited time. To further encourage players to get hatching, hatch distance has also been reduced ...
Pokemon Go has unveiled its March Community Day Classic event, which centers around Totodile. Here is everything you need to know.
Pokémon Go is bringing the power with the Might ... The following Pokémon will hatch from 7 km Eggs. You’ll also have an increased chance to hatch Shiny Clauncher. For US$2.00 (or the ...