How many trains are there from Phulwari Sharif to Patna? There are 20 direct trains that run between Phulwari Sharif and Patna. The train schedules consist of 20 daily trains. These include MEMU, Mail ...
Incident 'motivated by personal conflict between victim and one of his friends over a romantic interest', police said ...
Three minors have been detained after a young man was allegedly shot in the head Monday night by his friend while playing a ...
Priya Rani hails from the small village of Kurkuri in Phulwari Sharif, Bihar ... It was his determination that led her to move to Patna for better educational opportunities, despite the opposition ...
How many trains are there from Patna to Phulwari Sharif? There are 19 direct trains that run between Patna and Phulwari Sharif. The train schedules consist of 19 daily trains. These include MEMU, Mail ...