Pakistan says 10 civilians died during an anti-militant operation in the northwest. Authorities made the admission Saturday ...
Despite being Pakistan’s largest province and endowed with natural gas reserves and strategic access to the Arabian Sea, ...
Today, as Pakistan is facing a series of domestic and external challenges, it is pertinent to hark back to this resolution’s ...
The country’s former tribal areas bordering Afghanistan are plagued by escalating militancy, leading to widespread ...
The World Bank has approved a USD 300 million loan for Pakistan to combat air pollution in its Punjab province, according to ...
The Indus River, once the lifeline of Sindh, now flows more like a political chessboard, where the central government and the ...
Attacks targeting security forces are increasing in frequency and lethality in Pakistan’s southwestern province of ...
It would be an understatement to say the Cholistan Canal Project has triggered outrage. The project, which aims to dig six ...
Each government is attempting to blame the other for the continued activities of ISKP. Meanwhile, the group continues to ...