Octavia Spencer has starred in many successful movies, three of them leading to Academy Award nominations, with the actress winning the golden statuette for 2011's The Help. With over 100 acting ...
and a woman’s place was still in the home. Octavia Spencer proves she's no one-hit wonder Katherine Goble (Taraji P. Henson) works as a “computer”, or mathematician, one of a group of black ...
How evil can Octavia Spencer (Truth Be Told ... a psychological horror movie that revealed a different side of Spencer. Almost six years after its release, the movie is finding a new audience ...
Spencer, who founded the production company Orit Entertainment, is developing Ashley Elston’s novel ‘First Lie Wins’ for Hulu ...
Octavia Spencer is an American actress. She first gained recognition starring in the 1996 film A Time to Kill. She won critical acclaim for her performance in the 2011 film The Help, which earned ...