Obsidian was born from the ashes of Black Isle ... now trying to figure out this thing called Microsoft.” One look at Minecraft today is proof of how well that went for Xbox.
Data analyst firm Newzoo estimates that Obsidian's new RPG Avowed was #22 out of the top-earning game releases of February ...
Repurpose obsidian towers post-Ender Dragon fight to construct unique bases with circular rooms and bridges for expansion. As ...
Nether Portal is an important part of Minecraft, as it acts as a medium to travel between Nether and the Overworld. The rectangular object can essentially be created using Obsidian blocks and a ...
Obsidian Blocks: A minimum of 10 blocks are required. Obsidian is created when water converges with lava source blocks. You can only use a Diamond or Netherite pickaxe to mine Obsidian. Flint and ...