click image for close-up In October of 1793, Eli Whitney sent a drawing of his new invention, the cotton gin, to Secretary of ... with is the forwarding a model, which being received, your patent ...
The gin solved the problem inherent in marketing short-staple cotton, which grew easily in ... and to delays in preparing a working model. Although his initial design was for a hand-operated ...
Whitney, Miller, and Greene did not intend to sell the gin, instead planning a model where they would own all the machines and take a percentage of the clean cotton as a fee. Cotton as a service ...
Eli Whitney has planted the seed of the American cotton industry's industrial revolution by engineering the cotton gin! Which would revolutionize cotton production and create less of a need for ...
The Hutchinson News reports that the southern Kansas cotton gin formerly known as High Plains Cotton could see its second biggest ginning year. Its first was in 2007, when it ginned 24,000 bales.