The system offers 24 independent bioreactors in a cost effective microtiter plate footprint. pH and dissolved oxygen can be controlled in each individual bioreactor via gas and liquid addition.
Using a so-called LIFTOSCOPE, laboratories can localize, identify and analyze dozens of living cells per second in order to transfer them to microtiter plates with laser-induced forward transfer ...
Modern high-content screening microscopes provide fast, automated imaging of entire microtiter plates by capturing fixed positions within each well. This approach is particularly suited for in ...
The assay is conducted in a microtiter plate format compatible with automation, and uses convenient fluorescence signal detection. An overview of the DASH procedure is shown in Figure 1.
The platform enables ultra-high-throughput screening, single-cell assays, and the rapid sorting and dispensing of cells into individual wells of a microtiter plate. Cyto-Mine is the only platform ...