Mudangs have been around long before Douglas MacArthur ever came to Korea. This Korean kind of shamanism (for lack of a better term) actually predates Christianity, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taosim.
Regarding strategy in Korea, MacArthur admitted to no mistakes and reiterated the "decisive" actions he had been advocating since December: naval blockade of Communist China, naval and air ...
MacArthur alone among them fought in all of America’s major 20th-century wars as a general — World War I, World War II, and Korea — and he was the most versatile military figure since Ulysses S.
Yet by the late 1940s, MacArthur was increasingly bypassed by Washington, and it seemed his remarkable career might be over. But in June of 1950, the sudden outbreak of the Korean War -- "Mars ...
Willoughby, who had spent over a decade as MacArthur’s chief of intelligence, have the prevailing negative views confirmed. Although some attention to senior Republic of Korea officers might have ...
The story of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander during World War II and United Nations Commander for the Korean War. "MacArthur" begins in 1942, following the fall of ...
Neither leader in Korea had been elected nor did either recognise the legitimacy of the other. The Chinese issued a warning to the UN but this was ignored. MacArthur continued to push the UN ...