The MPG offers excellent researchers again the possibility to apply for a position as a Leader of a Lise Meitner Research Group in all areas of science. The Max Planck Society has initiated a number ...
and the Lise Meitner Programme (LMP). By enabling more women to enter and pursue careers in the nuclear field, the programmes help build the future nuclear workforce. This work would not be possible ...
Without a valid passport and carrying only hand luggage, Lise Meitner managed to flee Germany ... thirty years of fruitful scientific cooperation. Meitner and radiochemist Otto Hahn had done ...
An Austrian Jew and a woman, Meitner was constrained early in her career to working without pay in a basement room in Berlin. For many years, she collaborated closely with the chemist Otto Hahn ...
Lise Meitner Programme professional visit in Japan (hosted by University of Tokyo and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency under the coordination of the Cabinet Office of Japan) Participants will get ...