Rampant illegal construction, flouting of building norms without checking the bearing capacity of the city’s soil, needs to ...
A Jadavpur University professor warns that leaning buildings in Kolkata and other Indian cities may collapse if a major earthquake strikes, citing soil issues and construction violations as key ...
The case of the tilted buildings first came to light on January 11, when one such structure in South Kolkata’s Bagha Jatin ...
The proverbial "joy" is steadily fading away from the faces of lower and middle-class families living in and around the City of Joy as reports of tilting low-budget high-rises continue to trickle in ...
It was unoccupied at that time. The local residents reported that one side of the building was uneven, and construction to rectify it had begun a month ago. They alleged that the building exceeded the ...
Borough executive engineers were asked to take stock of the condition of the insecure buildings following the partial collapse of five unsafe houses across the city in the past six days. Though the ...
Firhad Hakim, the mayor of Calcutta and the state’s urban development minister, said in the evening that the law would take ...