The opening lines of the poem suggest a tone of resignation on the ... which is neither British nor indeed Irish. He asserts that "No likely end could bring them loss / Or leave them happier ...
I got to know him better when we became neighbours in Clontarf where his poetry sold well in Nolan’s supermarket and where he was loved by all and sundry. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp ...
Following his death today his poem, ‘A message for when I’m gone’, went viral on social media. It reads: “Ireland - it is little or no favours you ever did me or my poems when I was alive.
Author, poet, and philosopher David Whyte believes in poetry. Specifically, he believes in its ability to rekindle emotions often buried or denied — from anguish and death, to joy and wonderment.
The announcement was accompanied by a Pat Poem entitled ‘I visualise my death’. It read ... while writing columns in various Irish newspapers. His RTE TV shows for children - Pat's Pals ...
If you are studying poetry with CCEA your examination will be 'open book'. This means you will have an unannotated copy of the poems and you will be asked to compare two poems from your chosen ...