Right now it’s an eyesore greeting visitors and residents as they leave the interstate highway. Even before the pandemic took ...
The 2020 ballot measure authorizing billions of dollars in revenue to fund three civic initiatives is still tied up in court.
The transient occupancy tax, which was approved by voters as Measure C in 2020, is expected to bring in about $82 million in ...
Cathy O'Connor, who now has her own consulting firm, Coalign Group LLC, will be paid $60,000 to help Tulsa create a public ...
Construction is about halfway finished on the $200 million renovation of Downtown's Duke Energy Convention Center ...
Two blocks near the Marriott Cornhusker Hotel should be the site of Lincoln's convention center, the Assemble Lincoln ...
The city subsidizes the convention center with about $2 million a year to cover a revenue and operations gap. But the center ...
A convention center is being planned at 13th and M streets in downtown Lincoln. The location was announced Thursday, more ...
Cedar Park recently announced an upcoming development that will add a new hotel and convention center to the city.