The footprint belongs to hadrosaurid dinosaurs — famously known for their distinctive flat, duck-like beaks. They belong to the ornithischian family Hadrosauridae. This massive footprint is ...
reported the abundant preservation of “flexible, pliable, and translucent” organic cellular and vascular structures in a fibrous meshwork in tyrannosaur and hadrosaur dinosaur bones from ...
The skulls of three hadrosaur dinosaurs, Lambeosaurus lambei (top left), Gryposaurus notabilis (top right), Parasaurolophus walkeri (lower). Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible ...
Sign up to receive important email messages about the Imagine RIT Festival this year, and future years, too (save-the-date announcement, event announcements, and post ...
Fossil hunters have discovered dozens of other species of hadrosaurs (the largest group of duck-billed dinosaurs), since Haddy was first uncovered in a marl pit on a Haddonfield farm in 1838.
NAGASAKI--Researchers have determined that a fossil found in the layers of a local beach is the shoulder blade of a 9-meter-long ornithopod dinosaur, one of the largest in Japan and possibly a new ...
He helped discover, name and reconstruct Hadrosaurus foulkii, the first complete dinosaur skeleton to be displayed for the public, and he had a reputation for being able to correctly identify ...
Subsequent analyses by the same team furthered this work with another dinosaur, this time the hadrosaur (duck-billed dinosaur), Brachylophosaurus. The main argument against this prior work was ...