It's time for a weird fun fact even all too many locals don't realize: Kansas has some forest left. Once upon a time, what is ...
President Donald Trump has signed an executive order that significantly expands logging on federal lands, removing environmental protections and fast-tracking timber sales. The order directs agencies ...
The Northwest Forest Plan lays out how to manage millions of acres across Washington, Oregon and Northern California. But the ...
George H. Crosby Manitou State Park is home to one of the most impressive and overlooked old-growth forests in Minnesota ...
Although Connecticut is largely forested, only about one-tenth of 1% of all forest land in the state is considered a true old ...
The harvesting and burning of forest biomass to produce energy continues to surge, according to a new report on near-term ...
President Donald Trump called on agencies to expand domestic timber supply. That could influence prospective forest polices ...