I woke to the sound of birds singing in the trees outside my window. Beautiful melodies rising to testify that spring is here. The air has had that certain smell of late. It’s ...
It matters. It really matters. We want a Mary of flesh and blood, no empty symbol. We don't want a "Mother God." We want the mother of Jesus Christ--mother according to His humanity--to be our ...
In Genesis 2-3, God created man in His Image and established our first parents - Adam and Eve - in His friendship. This friendship included Sanctifying grace - the gift of holiness and eternal life.
God of War creator David Jaffe is disappointed with the direction of Kratos' character, feeling that the new games have made him too personal and weaker. Jaffe believes that the writers are ...
using ancient scriptures as our guide. "I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me."(Bhagavad Gita 10.8) God, as the Creator, transcends time and space ...
Alhamdulillah! Once again, we have been blessed with the breath of life to see another day. The first words we should utter ...