It's a difficult period for the feminist movement. Space has opened up in public life for people who argue, very loudly, that ...
Traditional views around marriage are changing. In 2021 in England and Wales, more babies were born to unmarried than married ...
(And No, It’s Not a Trap!) Ah, feminism! That F-word that makes some people shudder, as if it is a secret back-room scheme to make men into handbag-toting, kale-munching, over-sharing emotionoids.
An interview with the best-selling author about her latest project, The Portable Feminist Reader.
Beyoncé identifying as a feminist was described as a watershed moment, but some have questioned whether celebrity-led ...
At first, the young men watch with mild curiosity. Then, after some time, the algorithm shows them another video; and another ...
31. "Feminism is not a dirty word. It does not mean you hate men. It does not mean you hate girls that have nice legs and a ...
Support for female equality is going backwards among young men. Among the under-30s, a striking 57 per cent of males think ...
A global survey found that many Gen Z men feel they are being asked to do too much to support women, with some believing gender equality efforts have led to discrimination against men despite ...
Hailed as the perfect short introduction to feminism, this book argues why the movement means better equality for all. Hooks ...
Many political parties don't merely neglect women's interests—they put anti-feminism at the forefront of their agenda. There are strong powers at play, pitting women against men. The question ...