DTE Energy's Fermi 2 plant was granted a 20-year license renewal. The renewal period began March 20. The plant began ...
December — Dr. Enrico Fermi achieves the first controlled nuclear ... hardship in the event of an accident at a nuclear power plant. October — The Windscale plutonium production reactor ...
But during the testimony Tuesday morning, a brief exchange suggested a new Fermi 3 nuclear power plant may be on the table. “What’s it going to take the Legislature to do to get Fermi 3 up and ...
That kicked off the United States’ Manhattan Project, a top-secret scientific mission to learn how to split the atom and harness its power. But one of the first ... chemists and engineers of the ...
LANSING, MI – A DTE Energy executive made it clear the company would accept a helping hand from the Michigan Legislature to get a Fermi 3 nuclear power plant built. Michigan state ...