The WWF Duke of Edinburgh Conservation Award is WWF’s premier award. The purpose of the award is to recognize, once a year, highly meritorious contributions to the conservation of wildlife and natural ...
The Duke of Edinburgh has led the nation in commemorating Australia and New Zealand’s war losses during a poignant dawn service marking Anzac Day. Edward laid a wreath at Hyde Park Corner in ...
The Duke of Edinburgh has led the nation in commemorating Australia and New Zealand’s war losses during a dawn service marking Anzac Day. The Duke laid a wreath at Hyde Park Corner in London ...
Towards the end of his life, Prince Edward – alongside Sophie — continued representing Prince Philip at award ceremonies for the Duke of Edinburgh volunteering program for young people ...
More than 300 awards were handed out to young people (Image: South Ayrshire Council) The Duke of Edinburgh Award, open to those aged 14-24, is available at three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. To ...
The school hosted a celebration of the work of 89 pupils on Wednesday, February 27, with 74 receiving bronze Duke of Edinburgh (DofE ... benefit to doing the DofE award with communication ...