While algal blooms are common ... You can’t determine whether the cyanobacteria has produced a toxin by looking at a photo, she said. NASA says that out of more than 130 algal species, three ...
Cyanobacteria blooms occur each year when both water temperatures and nutrient levels are high. Receive a weekly dose of discovery in your inbox! We'll also keep you up to date with New Scientist ...
These swirls are blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria.” The photo was captured Oct. 8 by the Landsat 9 satellite, the agency said. “The lake experiences similar blooms almost every year.
Even under the ice, cyanobacteria have been blooming in Partridge Lake. The water body located in Littleton and Lyman has suffered from frequent bouts of the photosynthetic bacteria, which feed ...
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora has lifted its algal bloom health warning issued for the Waikirikiri-Selwyn River at Whitecliffs. Recent cyanobacteria surveys of the Waikirikiri-Selwyn River at ...