In fact, [Thorbjörn Jemander] has managed to persuade a Commodore PET to play YouTube videos at a completely reasonable 30 frames per second. He describes the process of designing the “BlixTerm ...
It cost only $3,995 back then. The Commodore PET computer was created in only six months after Commodore saw a prototype of the Apple II, which Steve Jobs offered to sell to the company.
Some, however, have gotten a modern twist like [bitfixer’s] recent Commodore PET project upgrades. First off is [bitfixer’s] Augmented Reality upgrade. By the power of two iPhones and one ...
Commodore PET and Tandy TRS-80, which were offered pre-assembled with a monitor and keyboard. The IBM PC, however, wasn't released for another four years in 1981. The "1977 Trinity" phrase was ...