On Friday, 30 Calgary students in grades 9 to 12 ran a city council meeting, debated policy issues and worked with current members of council.
Hundreds descend upon Calgary city hall Monday morning. Most are visibly unhappy. Some are quite worked up and very open about telling you exactly how angry they are.
Columnist Rick Bell also spent his day at city hall. Here is what he has to say: It is bright and early and the long, winding lineups inside Calgary city hall make you wonder. Is there a concert ...
“We need leadership that we can trust to get city hall working again,” Farkas said ... Farkas, who also served on the Calgary police commission, grew up in the southeast community of Dover ...
He's been a legislative reporter, a news reader, an assignment editor and a national reporter. When not at Calgary's city hall, it's still all politics, all the time.
Studying colliding solar storms can help predict extreme space weather ...