A 34-year-old woman with a 2-year history of progressively worsening difficulties in walking, eating and swallowing, presented to our department. The patient's sister reported observing unusual ...
Other forms of tardive syndrome include tardive stereotypy, tardive chorea, tardive tremor, tardive tics, tardive myoclonus, tardive parkinsonism and other movement disorders that persist even after ...
The fellows gain expertise in diagnosing and treating Parkinson’s disease, atypical Parkinsonian syndromes, dystonia, tremor, Huntington’s disease, chorea, myoclonus, ballism, Tourette syndrome, tics, ...
The fellows gain expertise in diagnosing and treating Parkinson’s disease, atypical Parkinsonian syndromes, dystonia, tremor, Huntington’s disease, chorea, myoclonus, ballism, Tourette syndrome, tics, ...
The Lancet has discovered that our editorial policies prior to the publication of the Clinical Picture Feeding dystonia, chorea, psychosis, and self-mutilation in an African patient with ...