This produces Bremsstrahlung radiation – breakingbraking X-rays – that can be directed to film or an X-ray intensifier screen that fluoresces in visible light when being struck by X-rays.
This produces Bremsstrahlung radiation – breakingbraking X-rays – that can be directed to film or an X-ray intensifier screen that fluoresces in visible light when being struck by X-rays.
However, when radionuclides also emit gamma rays - such as iodine-131 - or bremsstrahlung X-rays, exposure of the public to these photon emissions must also be considered. The clinical use of ...
A lower spectral background. • The elimination of unwanted x-rays from satellites and anode impurities, which simplifies spectral analysis. • The elimination of Bremsstrahlung and thermal radiation ...
Bremsstrahlung, kurzwellige elektromagnetische Strahlung, die bei Abbremsung von Elektronen in Materie infolge der Coulomb-Wechselwirkung zwischen den Elektronen und den Atomkernen entsteht. Der ...