They'll need a proper bed and our plan is for them to share the room with our 4yo (then 5yo), in bunk beds. Obviously, I'm an engineer so I will move heaven and earth before installing something ...
As you evolve as a parent, you learn to recognise sounds and their meaning. You hear one child say something that you know is ...
The dad went to their bedroom to find the boys were both lying dead together on the lower bunk of their shared bed. He ran downstairs screaming "Kara, Kara, Kara. What the f**k? You've killed my ...
He then ran to his sons' bedroom and found their bodies lying side-by-side on their lower bunk bed. “They were bunched ... later claimed she had left the boys in the bath alone while she smoked ...
But when he went upstairs, he found the boys' bodies together in the lower bunk of their shared bunk bed dressed in pyjamas, having died several hours earlier, the CPS said. Samantha Yelland, a senior ...
Elijah (left) and Marley Thomas (right) were found dead in their bunk bed by their dad (Picture ... Metropolitan Police) The two boys were either drowned in the bath or smothered (Picture ...