The Cahoon Museum of American Art will host a botanical illustration class led by Ellen Duarte on three Thursdays in April from 10 AM to 12:30 PM.
The Library's modern botanical illustration collection is continually growing, as we complement our historical collection with work from the finest modern botanical artists. Botanical illustration is ...
Botany, however, was a subject that was accessible to all - in particular botanical art and illustration, which were considered a suitably genteel hobby for women. Working at her father's side, Anna ...
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is celebrating the return of a long-lost collection of botanical illustrations by Lilian Snelling, one of ...
A COLLECTION of long-lost botanical illustrations has been returned to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE). The ...
The rediscovered artworks, originally created at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) in the early 20th century, were ...