The inner ear of a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), reconstructed from CT scans, shows key anatomical features, including the cochlea, acousto-vestibular nerve, oval window and vestibular ...
A blue whale mother and calf swimming together in the South Taranaki Bight, New Zealand, a rare summer feeding region with many mother-calf pairs. Advanced Search Home ...
Credit: Vincent Pommeyrol Getty Images The smallest whale species is the dwarf sperm whale, which is about 7 to 9 feet (2 to ...
A vast blue whale skeleton now hangs in Hintze Hall. Take a look at specimens that have taken centre stage over the years. The Museum opened to the public in 1881 and in its early days the ...
A blue whale skeleton weighing 4.5 tonnes is one of the first things visitors encounter when they enter the recently redeveloped Hintze Hall. In previous videos, the first bones were taken down from ...