The Senate Judiciary Committee gave a group of prominent social media CEOs a bipartisan thrashing on Wednesday, pressing them on alleged shortcomings related to the safety of young people on their ...
House Republicans were less fixated on conservative 'censorship' at this week's misinformation hearing and instead confronted the CEOs of Twitter, Facebook, and Google with how their products harm ...
These guys are big business, period. Just think how much we could have made them sweat with a day of hearings each. Remember back in the 20th century when Congress held "big business" antitrust ...
Senators accused five major tech platforms of facilitating child sexual abuse online, comparing risks posed to consumers to that of the embattled plane manufacturer Boeing at a high-profile ...
Michael Kratsios, nominee for the lead role at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Mark Meador, nominee for the FTC Commissioner position, appeared before the Senate ...