In this excerpt from The Berlin Wall: A World Divided, Frederick Taylor, a German historian, describes the moments leading up to the fall of the Berlin Wall by weaving together history ...
Ukrainian towns and cities divided by a demarcation line in the event of a ceasefire would be left empty and desolate, ...
When Bowie arrived in early '76, just over 13 years before the Berlin Wall came down, escaping East Germans were still being shot on the "death strip" in the heart of the city. John Le Carre's ...
In 1989, the Berlin Wall came down. It was an astonishing development, which caught world politicians entirely by surprise. The division between East and West, though constantly condemned ...
The half-naked protester was filmed defacing remnants of the Berlin Wall kept outside the German ... If you don’t come to your senses, tomorrow this swastika will become your flag, and the ...
Sitting on the Berlin Wall would have been unheard of ... Henderson recalled how unexpected the night the wall came down was. "It wasn't meant to happen, of course," Henderson said.
If you wanted confirmation that the world can change dramatically you need only remember the Berlin Wall coming down in 1989 ...
In honour of the 30th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down, the typeface pays tribute to the artwork that was created during its existence Creative agency Heimat Berlin has released a new ...
My father fought in the battle for Berlin as a soldier ... there at the collapse of the Wall. People cheered around me. I stood crying. In the dream, an old woman came up to me and asked me ...
In 1989, after almost 30 years of division, the Berlin Wall came down paving the way for German re-unification. On November the 9th the East German government announced its citizens could visit ...