Though rare for a tiger to attack a fully grown elephant, young elephants could be in danger of tiger attacks when they stray ...
This is the best place on the planet to search for Bengal tigers This is the best place on the planet to search for Bengal tigers How this ‘camera car’ captured the perfect tiger close-up How ...
A Bengal tiger mother leads her cubs into the river, where they begin their crucial lessons in survival. As the cubs tentatively step into the water, she shows them how to swim, guiding them with ...
Visit the reserves of Tadoba and Pench in search of the elusive Bengal tiger and stay in award-winning lodges, allowing you the opportunity to immerse yourself in jungle life. You will also ...
The area is known for its wide range of fauna, including 260 bird species, the Bengal tiger and other threatened species such as the estuarine crocodile and the Indian python. Description is available ...
Spot the elusive Royal Bengal Tiger swimming between islands or silently stalking prey in the dense swamps. Hear a tiger’s growl echo through the jungle or spot its stripes in golden grass.
The RIT Bengal Tiger was sculpted in 1989 by zoologist and environmentalist D. H. S. ("Duff") Wehle. On the base of the RIT sculpture are the words: "In Pursuit of Tradition, Spirit, and Pride." ...