Tombs become mute witnesses to high school students loitering inside the La Paz Catholic Cemetery in Iloilo City to make out.
Another batch of free services was provided to 677 families through the Government-on-Wheels initiative in Barangay Sagunto, ...
The Philippines' Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has revealed that it is rehabilitating a section of the domestic Concepcion - La Paz Road in Tarlac, Barangay Paludpud, La Paz.
Barangay La Paz captain Leo Bolair said a hill near the national highway reportedly owned by the Torrefranca family was bulldozed in the late 1990s to give way for a planned cockpit building.
Diffun and Barangay La Paz, Saguday) passed, the province recorded 100 percent passers for 2024. “The SGLGB, which aims to give distinction to barangays with remarkable performance across various ...
The highest number of dengue cases in the city was recorded in Barangay Boulevard in Molo District and Barangay Jereos in La Paz District with five cases each. The CHO has monitored extensively the ...