A common phenomenon of recent time, especially since the advent of the internet and smartphone, has been the profligacy of ...
Photography may not fix the traumas of Partition ... Among the three nations birthed by Partition, Bangladesh’s birth has been the most complicated. Considering it experienced freedom and ...
How have people in Bangladesh reacted to this story since its publication ... and curator Deepak Ananth. Photography is a very powerful tool. It is a universal language and the most democratic art ...
Photographer, journalist, and theatre activist Mohammd Asadurjaman Aslam Molla’s first solo photography exhibition, ‘Hajong,’ ...
Photographer, journalist, and theatre activist Mohammad Asadurjaman Aslam Molla’s first solo photography exhibition, ‘Hajong,’ is set to be inaugurated on Friday at La Galerie, Alliance Francaise de ...