Bacterial diseases will spread rapidly through a field in hot, wet weather. While we had the heat last year, we did not have ...
"Controlling plant disease such as bacterial leaf spot of lettuce is also important for food safety. Climate change will increase the risk of foodborne illness from consumption of raw produce." ...
Bacterium malvacearum, the causative agent of ‘black-arm’, or angular leaf-spot disease of the cotton plant, has been described in certain recent papers as capable of producing a systemic ...
If you have trouble with fungal or bacterial diseases in your garden, Bordeaux mixture may be able to help. For example, if ...
If your orchid is showing signs of stress, it's possible it may have contracted a disease. Tobacco mosaic and bacterial leaf spot are two common issues. "The tobacco mosaic virus is transmitted ...
Nontoxic disease control solution outperforms existing products and increases yields by up to 2 tons per hectare.