Mauranipur is a town and a municipal board in Jhansi district state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is located in the Jhansi District. It is the largest tehsils in India by land area. This town was known for textile production, known in ancient times as Madhupuri. Because of its high density of temples, it is known by some locals as Mini-Ayoddhya. Jalvihar Mela and Viman Y…Mauranipur is a town and a municipal board in Jhansi district state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is located in the Jhansi District. It is the largest tehsils in India by land area. This town was known for textile production, known in ancient times as Madhupuri. Because of its high density of temples, it is known by some locals as Mini-Ayoddhya. Jalvihar Mela and Viman Yatra are the most famous events in Mauranipur. The Kedareshwar temple and the Saprar Dam are located near a time there was a great king Raja Anant soni known for his textile and making of temple