Malakpur bet is a village in Ludhiana-2 Block in Ludhiana District in Punjab, India. The population was estimated as 2,200 in 2011. It has an area of about 480 hectares. It is situated on the Ludhiana to Hambran Road to the west of Ludhiana, 3 km from the Sutlej River. It is very near to Punjab Agricultural University and to South City Ludhiana. Malakpur …Malakpur bet is a village in Ludhiana-2 Block in Ludhiana District in Punjab, India. The population was estimated as 2,200 in 2011. It has an area of about 480 hectares. It is situated on the Ludhiana to Hambran Road to the west of Ludhiana, 3 km from the Sutlej River. It is very near to Punjab Agricultural University and to South City Ludhiana. Malakpur bet is 10.30 km far from its Main Town, Ludhiana, and 110 km from the State Main City Chandigarh. The nearest railway station is at Lludhiana, 8 km away.