Krishnapatnam or Kistnapatam is a port town in Muthukur mandal of Tirupati district in Andhra Pradesh, India. As of 2011 Census of India, the town had a population of 5,686. The total population constitute, 2,815 males, 2,871 females and 732 children, in the age group of 0–6 years. The average literacy rate stands at 65.22% with 3,231 literates, significant…Krishnapatnam or Kistnapatam is a port town in Muthukur mandal of Tirupati district in Andhra Pradesh, India. As of 2011 Census of India, the town had a population of 5,686. The total population constitute, 2,815 males, 2,871 females and 732 children, in the age group of 0–6 years. The average literacy rate stands at 65.22% with 3,231 literates, significantly lower than the national average of 73.00%.