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King Palace Banquet & Party Hall in Edison, NJ is an unrivaled venue and the ultimate choice for the best banquet hall & party space. Discover the allure of 1673 Oak Tree Road, where …
King Palace Banquet & Party Hall in Edison, NJ is an unrivaled venue and the ultimate choice for the best banquet hall & party space. Discover the allure of 1673 Oak Tree Road, where sophistication meets celebration for weddings, birthdays, and corporate gatherings. Immerse yourself in a refined atmosphere, guided by professional chefs crafting top-tier cuisine and attentive waiters ensuring a seamless event. As the best wedding venue in Edison, NJ, we pride ourselves on superior service and meticulous organization. Choose King Palace for an unmatched fusion of luxury, culinary excellence, and top-notch service, setting a new standard for event venues in Edison, NJ.
I had my daughter's rice ceremony at king palace .Excellent food ,extremely efficient staff , fantastic ambience we couldn't have been happier. we would highly recommend this place any time any event…Full review by Sreyashi Chowdhury